The assembly process of a freezer mural

Infrico Supermarket goes a step further in its communication. The company has published a series of videos on its YouTube channel, which are also amplified on other channels and available in Spanish, English and French, providing a detailed overview of the assembly of a freezer wall, from receipt of materials to final assembly and shipment to the customer.

Showing how a freezer wall is assembled from scratch gives installers the ease of accessing the instructions in the message and knowing how it is assembled. Each step, from arrival of materials to final check and assembly, is presented in a clear and detailed manner. These videos help customers understand the entire process and pay attention to detail.

Multilingual communication for global reach

The decision to communicate in three different languages – Spanish, English and French – reflects Infrico Supermarket’s commitment to reaching a global audience. By providing content in multiple languages, the company demonstrates its willingness to connect with customers in different parts of the world. This provides greater reach, and strengthens its position as a company with international vision.

Knowing every detail of the freezer wall assembly process provides assurance and confidence to the customer. By understanding how each component is manufactured and assembled, customers can have confidence in the quality and reliability of the product. This clarity of message reinforces Infrico Supermarket’s position as the best choice for customers’ refrigeration and equipment needs.

In sum, Infrico Supermarket’s multilingual videos not only provide a complete overview of the assembly process, but also demonstrate a commitment to global communication and customer satisfaction. These videos are a powerful tool to strengthen customer confidence and differentiate Infrico Supermarket in the competitive hospitality equipment market.